I just did some computer test to get my Australia Victorian Driving License. I passed the exam. Yay! It was called the road law knowledge test. There are 32 questions and you must have a minimum 25 correct answer to pass the exam. It's not that hard as long as you study from the book called 'Road To Solo Driving handbook' by Vicroads. Why do I need to get Victorian driving license even though you can still use your overseas driver license if you are visa 457 holder?
Well the answer is because I am getting tired to bring my passport everywhere as an ID, passport is too big to put in your pocket hand and it's too important to leave it in the bag. I always worry that may be someday my passport just puff...gone and I am in the foreign country. Passport place is in the house, inside the safety box, and you don't have to bring it everywhere unless you go oversea. That's why driver license is quite handy. It's small, blend nicely in your wallet and reliable. So, c'mon guys leave your passport alone and go get your driver license!
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